Lab News

Rachel presented a poster about the DLC 50th Anniversary Symposium at Evolution 2016!

Her poster was entitled “50 Years of Integrative Biological and Conservation Research in Madagascar.”


Ryan presented a lightning talk at Evolution 2016!

Watch his talk entitled “Rates of Evolution Among Sperm Genes and Implications for Speciation in a Small Nocturnal Primate, genus Microcebus” here!


Anne presents the SSB Presidents’ Award to David and Wayne Maddison at Evolution 2016


Anne presented the Ernst Mayr award to Michael Landis and Laura Lagomarsino at Evolution 2016


Cori and Lauriane both completed their undergraduate thesis projects and graduated with distinction! – Congratulations!!!

Ryan presented a poster at the Biology of Genomes Conference!

His poster was entitled “Rates of evolution among sperm genes and implications for speciation in a small noturnal primate, genus Microcebus.”Ryan_BOG

Marina won a 2016 Postdoctoral Award for Professional Development! – Congratulations, Marina!!!

She will use the award to lead a 2-day workshop on the modeled effects of climate change on lemurs in the city of Antananarivo, Madagascar.

Lauriane was awarded the James B. Rast Award for Comparative Organismal Biology! Congratulations, Lauriane!!!

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Erin was invited to give a talk at Meredith College!

Her talk was entitled “Microbial Primatology.”

Anne visits her old peeps in Yale’s EEB Department to give a departmental seminar!

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