Lab News

Anne, Elise, and Desireé receive a grant from the Duke Climate Research Innovation Seed Program (CRISP). Congratulations!!

May 2, 2024

Anne, Elise, and Desireé will research climate extremes, rainforest and community health in southeastern Madagascar alongside Brian McAdoo, Camille DeSisto, and Ryan Parks. Read more here.

Ryan received a Departmental Fellowship for Spring 2018! – Congrats, Ryan!

It will support him while he wraps up his dissertation.

Erin received a Biology Grant-in-Aid award!!! – Congrats, Erin!

Ryan received a Biology Grant-in-Aid award!!!

He will use this award to study morphological variation in Microcebus griseorufus!

Ryan wins an International Dissertation Research Travel Award from the Duke Graduate School — Congratulations, Ryan!!!

This award will go towards a field collection trip exploring the putative hybrid zone between mouse lemur species M. murinus and M. griseorufus!

Erin is awarded a NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant to pursue her research on microbial community assembly after birth and disease in captive lemur species!!!

Sheena wins a NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant! — Congratulations!!!

This grant will support her project entitled “Gene expression and physiologic extremes in primate hibernation!”

Ryan wins an Information Initiative at Duke (IID) Data Expedition Grant!

Ryan, along with his co-applicant and graduate student Mike Rosario, will teach an R-based data focused module of Sheila Patek’s How Organisms Move Undergraduate Biology course. Read more about IID and the Data Expedition program here.

Dave Weisrock and Anne receive NSF funding to study comparative speciation dynamics and phylogenetic reconstruction in salamander and lemurs — traversing the vertebrate Tree of Life to find common evolutionary trends!!!

Science doesn’t get any more fun than this!!

Erin receives $1,000 Grant-in-Aid from Duke Biology!

This grant will support her study entitled, “From form to function: characterizing gut colonization in lemurs.”

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