Lab News

Dave Weisrock and Anne receive NSF funding to study comparative speciation dynamics and phylogenetic reconstruction in salamander and lemurs — traversing the vertebrate Tree of Life to find common evolutionary trends!!!

Science doesn’t get any more fun than this!!

Erin receives $1,000 Grant-in-Aid from Duke Biology!

This grant will support her study entitled, “From form to function: characterizing gut colonization in lemurs.”

Cori will be interning for the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ Risk and Decision Science team this summer! – Congrats, Cori!!!

She will be focusing on studying community resilience using physical health as a proxy.

Lemurs in 3-D

Sheena has written an awesome blog for Scientific American on her dissertation research! Congrats!

Click here to read her article, “Can humans hibernate? Ask the dwarf lemur.”

Peter will present a poster at the 2014 Deep Genomics Symposium in Arizon!

His poster will be entitled “Evolution of the primate adaptive immune system: insights from Ig-seq analyses of Coquerel’s sifaka lemur.”

Postdoctoral Associate Chris Blair accepts tenure-track position at CUNY College of Technology — Congratulations Chris!!!

Erin is selected to represent Duke University at the Global Young Scientist Summit in Singapore! – Have fun in Singapore, Erin!!!

Sheena is selected as a finalist for The Briefing Tech Writing Challenge!

Click here to read her article “Unlocking the genetic code of human hibernation!”

Postdoctoral Associate Jason Brown joins Carnaval Lab at CUNY! — Have fun in the Big Apple, Jason!

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