Lab News

Anne, Peter and Ryan, along with Lab Alum Dave Weisrock, attended the 2015 Mouse Lemur Workshop in Paris!

Anne and Peter served on a discussion panel.

Anne, Dave and Peter all gave talks. Peter’s talk was entitled “Improving the Microcebus murinus genome assembly using optical maps.

Sheena presents a talk at the Computational Biology Seminar at the Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (PRBB) in Barcelona, Spain entitled “Dwarf lemurs are “cool”: Primate hibernation in Madagascar!”

DukeToday writes an article about Peter Larsen’s work with the Duke Computing Cluster! – Congratulations Peter!!!

Check out the DukeToday article here about the Yoder lab’s usage of the Duke Research Computing system for lemur genomics!

Sheena lands a Sunday front page story in The Philadelphia Inquirer! — Great job, Sheena!

Click here to read her article on the ethical considerations of egg freezing.

The Biology Department awards Erin a semester-long fellowship! – Congratuations, Erin!!!

The support from this fellowship will support a 6-week visit to Australia National University to analyze data!

Anne hosts Dr. Oliver Sacks at the Duke Lemur Center


Click here to read the New York Times article on his visit.

Postdoctoral Associate Peter Larsen is promoted to Senior Research Scientist at Duke — Congratulations Peter!!!

Sheena is selected as one of 20 AAAS Mass Media Fellows!

She will be placed at The Philadelphia Inquirer to spend the summer practicing her science journalism chops! Have fun in Philadelphia, Sheena!

Peter gave a talk at the 2015 American Society of Mammalogists meeting in Florida!

His presentation was entitled “Improving non-model mammalian genome assemblies using optical mapping technology.”

Cori will be working as a Visiting Research Scholar for the International Biological Threat Reduction program at Sandia National Laboratories this summer! – Have fun in New Mexico, Cori!!!

She will be working on Biological Laboratory Saftey and Chemical Risk Assessment!

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