Lab News

Sheena wins a NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant! — Congratulations!!!

This grant will support her project entitled “Gene expression and physiologic extremes in primate hibernation!”

Could vaccines help save lemurs?

No single explanation for Biodiversity in Madagascar

The Mystery of Madagascar’s Biodiversity

National Geographic interviews Peter Larsen about using vaccines to help save endangered lemurs!

Click here to watch his interview about lemur antibody research!

Reptilien auf Madagaskar: Zwei von fünf Arten sind vom Aussterben bedroht

Erin wins Best Presentation at the 10th Comparative Nutrition Society Symposium! – Congratulations, Erin!!!

Her talk was entitled, “Microbiota reflect lemur nutrition and feeding across time scales.”

The lives of lemurs, uploaded to the web

Ryan wins an Information Initiative at Duke (IID) Data Expedition Grant!

Ryan, along with his co-applicant and graduate student Mike Rosario, will teach an R-based data focused module of Sheila Patek’s How Organisms Move Undergraduate Biology course. Read more about IID and the Data Expedition program here.

Peter will present his research on lemur immunogenomics at the 2014 Evolution meetings in Raleigh!

His will give a talk entitled “Immunogenomics of non-model species: what can Ig-seq tell us about the evolution of the primate adaptive immune system?”

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